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May 2016 - Ms Loy

Pheak and Pech

This family is located in Tropeang Ron Village which is about 9 Kilometers from Siem Reap. Pech and I found this family ourselves because we just went through the village, and then we saw one very old cottage.

Mother’s name is Oeang Loy, 39 years old, and husband’s name was Heou Sook, but he died when he was 44 years old because he drank much. This made her very sad because in the family there is only her, and a daughter who is now 2 years old. Her husband died about 2 years ago. Now she is widow that is living with her young daughter in a very small cottage.

Ms. Loy does not have a bike, a farm, a phone, any animals, and she uses lamp in the night time. She got one pump well from one organization from Cambodia Child’s Dream Organization (CCDO), and what we know from this NGO is they basically work on well project for poor family in countryside.

She has no job because she did not even finish school. She just takes care of her daughter after her husband passed away. What she can do is to be a house waiter to her sister, and then her sister gives her food, and sometimes her sister gives her $0.75 for her and daughter. Sometimes, she asked villagers for money, and some gave her rice and food like that.


We started to follow our plan that Mr. Piseth from Designet drew for us in 3 groups:

Group1 - make a setting out of the house which mean that they have to measure the measurement of 9 cement poles and measure the string water of each pole and how much should they dig in the ground. Mr. Sreng, our students, and Designet groups involved with them as well.

Group 2 - make a frame structure of house which mean that they have to join the wood poles together as a shape 3m* 4m. this leaded by Mr. Piseth, his teams, villagers and our students

Group 3 - make walls and leaded by Mr. Nak, our students, and Designet team.

We had the house up at 11am, and then we all had lunch together at 12pm. For lunch, we would to say thank you to Tok, Sompeas, and Samach for cooking a very nice food for all of us!!

At about 2pm it was raining; however, we still continued our job. Everyone was very delighted because after it was hot in the morning but in the afternoon there was rain that why it was cool.

On behalf of CRST family, we would like also say thank you for Mr. Piseth for volenteering spending his pocket money $42 to buy more woods that we need to fix the house that beyond our budget plan. We also thank for your kindly bought more tools for us in order to use next month, and those materials work so well. We hope we will work with each other next house very soon!

We finished the house at 4:30pm and then everyone join together for a group photos. Finally, we said thank you for the house owner, villagers, head village, head commune and Designet for spending the whole day with us with unforgettable work that we successfully achieved.

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