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August 2015 - Mother Chien

This community service was a very specail one because we had 10 Australian Volunteers helping us!! As part of opening our Project Y store, these AV helpes us build a new house for Mother Chien. We all left Siem Reap at around 7am and then we reached Mother Chiens house at 7:35am.

We separated in 4 groups; group 1 taking out the palm leaves from the roof and remaking it with tin instead, group 2 making the walls, group 3 making the floor and cutting down the bamboo from the forest to fix into the floor, and the last group was cooking. I saw that our old students, new students, and AV did very good job because everyone helped each other like brothers and sisters. I can say that day was no high ranking, and we wanted was to finish the house early so that in the evening we could go to Project Y to serve Frozen Yogurt.

We finished our mother Chiens house early at about 2: 40pm, then everyone took photos together. On behalf of Mother Chien and all CRST students, we would like to say thank you so much to the AV for spending time with us and working hard to build Mother Chien a better and safer home.

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