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May & June 2015 - Storm Repairs

On the 18th of May, there was a storm nearby Honour Village Cambodia (HVC), and it damaged many houses in the HVC area. Chunnly who works at HVC told us that the families houses that were damaged are poor and now they do not have shelters and food for survive. Chhunly wanted us to help these families as soon as possible in this situation.

Pheak and Doeb went to visit these families this morning with Chhunly and other HVC’s staffs, and we had some clothes, pens, shampoo, pencils, books, and other school materials for 9 families in different 3 villages nearby HVC. We then visited all of the families that were damaged, we realized that some of the families can survive themselves and others cannot. After we came back to visit and looked for this natural disaster (storm), we discussed with Chhunly about those families whether should we be possible help them or should we have other solutions to help them soon.

Each family have their old wood that remains from the damages and they can use that old wood to rebuild the houses but they do not have money to buy zinc and some family do not have both zinc and wall. Chhunly and I picked up the 5 families that are very serious, very poor, and need our help.

Family 1 : We decided to help $300 because they have no enough money to rebuild the house. This house did not rebuild yet. so our students can make the house altogether, and we just use the old wood that remain from the house damage and buy some more wood.

Family 2: We decided to help $50 for food supply. Because they made their house already, so we can buy some food such as rice, salt, seasoning, fish source, soy source, and other items.

Family 3 : We decided to help $50 too. It is for food supply like House 2

Family 4: We decided to help $100. They are poor, but they made the body and the roof of the house already, too., so we can help them with making the walls.

Family 5: We decided to help $150 because they made the body and the roof of the house already, so we can make the walls for them. House 5 is bigger that House 4, so we spend more money.

Family 6: We decided to help $50 on food supply.

In total, we spend $800 for 6 families, and we will keep $100 for miscellaneous expenses on this project.

To read more about these families and their stories please click here

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